
Benedicite Education

A school of the future

Experience Sovereign Learning

Choose BE

“This is a school where we wonder, we ask questions, we follow up with our questions and we present to our friends what we learned. This is a school where you can develop skills through interests. This is a school where the kids have a say in their education. This is a school where your wonders become reality.  This is our school.”

~BE Parent

Transition with peace

Make the Switch


Virtual Parent Ed

Click below to view this short presentation introducing BE to interested parents.


Personal Tour

Meet the team, tour the space and ask questions – Monday by appointment and T/W/Th after school


In Action Visit

Parents and students can visit our learning environment T/W/Th during school hours.



Take the next steps to enroll your child and experience the  benefits of Benedicite Education.

Our happy parents

What other Parents Say

BE Parent

“My son’s talents were hidden in the traditional school and his self-esteem was wounded. Benedicite changed his trajectory.”

BE Parent

“I encourage you to learn more about our school family. A place where teachers and parents partner together. A place where imaginations are applauded, nature is a classroom and learning is bountiful.”

BE Parent

“The options available in middle school, high school, and post-graduation are vast. We meet early and often to stay responsive and personalized.”



Common Questions

The curious, passionate, independent modern learner excels at Benedicite.

  • Students whose interests/passions lie outside the traditional parameters of school.
  • Students who have not been challenged by the traditional curriculum.
  • Students who have been previously disengaged from the learning process.
  • Students who have been previously invisible in a traditional environment.
  • Students who want something more than a grade.
  • Students who have been overwhelmed with the workload or the pressure of the performance.
  • Homeschoolers who want to add a social learning peer group.

BE promotes an active, healthy lifestyle. We have many fitness, club, and meet-up opportunities during school hours. We do not offer school sports or competitive physical education. The alternative school schedule allows for ample time to play a sport of choice or be on a select team.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – A chromebook is  a necessary tool for every Adolescent student. Some students may need a laptop for technical applications. BE is a technology-infused creative learning environment. In an effort to stay paced with the modern learner, we use open source technology and community-based resources, such as libraries and makerspaces. This allows us to be both dynamic and responsive to the continuous advancement of technology and needs of our students.

Yes, BE High School meets the Missouri high school graduation requirements and the state university entrance requirements.

Private School Program Homeschool Hybrid Program
4 days on campus
3 days on campus
Portfolio, transcripts, and record keeping provided by BE
Records & homeschool hours kept by families
Program advantages such as camps, mentors, and special programs scheduled on Mondays
Access to camps, mentors, and programs scheduled during the 3 day school week
*Full Transcripts and a highschool diploma provided upon completion of graduation requirements.
*Certificate of course completion based on classes taken at BE to add to your homeschool records.
Ranken Partnership with tuition assistance. Advantages such as camps, mentors, & dual enrollment.
In order for homeschool families to enroll at Ranken Tech they would need to enroll at their local public school.
Mentorship expectations built into the learners course load. Advisors available to help learners discover passions and practice business relationship skills.
Community Mentors and special guests will continue to be on campus
Multi-Age Program
Multi-Age Program
Farm or other immersion programs available monthly
Families provide the next step support for their child
2 Learning Guide per 15 Learners
2 Learning Guide per 15 Learners