BE Summer Camp: The Mountains are Calling
Ages: 12 – 14
Open to all middle school students, not just those enrolled at Benedicite.
Week One: Mountain Geography – June 13-14-15 and include work for Mon & Fri…$150
Exposure and overview of the major mountain ranges of the world, The Seven Summits, and a closer
look at the mountain ranges of the United States.
Excursion – Long Distance Trail Hike
Read – Essays John Muir
Watch – BBC Planet Earth II – Mountains
Write – Essay
PBL – Map making, Altitude comparison chart
Week Two: Mountain Sports – June 20-21-22 and include work for Mon & Fri…$150
Introduction to ways people interact with and enjoy the mountains. This is an active hands-on week.
Excursion – Upper Limits Belay Class
Read – My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George (or book of choice)
Watch – Banff Mountain Film Festival selections
Write – Article
PBL – Investigate a sport, interview an athlete, etc.
Week Three: Mountain Food – June 27-28-29 and include work for Mon & Fri…$200
This week will be focused on mountain food from two directions. We will look at the regional cuisine of
the major mountain ranges and food to take while “sporting” in the mountains. Lots of cooking and
tasting this week.
Excursion – Everest Café
Read – Excerpts from Into the Wild
Watch – Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown
Write – Recipe
PBL – Cook a mountain dinner, design a backpacking meal plan, etc.
Week 4: An invitation to the real thing
Hiking on the John Muir Trail in August. More details for interested students.
For more information and RSVP: Dianna Folwarczny, Learning Coach
Weekly location and times to be determined by interested students and coach.