Exploration of STL Public Art

Exploration of STL Public Art & French Sauces with Ms. Dianna Art: We looked at dozens of examples of building-front sculptures as research for student’s own public art project. Key concepts: How landscape can add to or detract from the success of out door art. Scale – how big does the piece need to be?…
The Universe in a Bowl of Macaroni and Cheese

By Ms. Dianna Taking a play from “The Great Explainer” and renowned physicist Richard Feynman, Ms. Dianna explains her art of dot connecting. Here, she demonstrates with macaroni and cheese the connectedness of everything to everything. This is her role as the high school learning guide – helping students connect the dots. Math…
Democracy in the Classroom

By Ms. Gretchen Today in elementary we revisited an issue that the children voiced at the end of the year last year. We made up our list of rules to help keep peace in the classroom and they were quite general, but today we talked about the rule we have had about not wearing hats inside…