The End of Average – The Beginning of Individual Excellence

Excerpted from The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness by Todd Rose. Copyright ©2016 by L. Todd Rose, published by HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. I hope I have captured just how incredible a pilot Killer C is. But I would never be telling you this story if…
Differentiation – Mod Ed

At Benedicite Education, we specialize in custom education for the modern learner. With individual workplans built on strengths and passions, we are are the ultimate entrepreneurship education. It’s a radical take on learning and a practical view of life. BE is radically practical. Find out more at Parent Ed Night ~ October 6 @ 6:00 ~ childcare…
Democracy in the Classroom

By Ms. Gretchen Today in elementary we revisited an issue that the children voiced at the end of the year last year. We made up our list of rules to help keep peace in the classroom and they were quite general, but today we talked about the rule we have had about not wearing hats inside…