Flagship Opportunities

What is new and different about Middle and High School at Benedicite Education? Besides “passion-driven work, interest-led groups, and more time to do what you love,” Benedicite Education offers Flagship Opportunities that will benefit every student. Urban Experience Farm Experience MOOC (self-paced & on-demand) Personal Finance & Management Health & Wellness Program Service & Meaningful…
New Option for Middle and High School

I have exciting news to share! I am part of a grassroots educational movement to put my children at the root of their own learning. After a most impressive year with my son at Benedicite Education, I want to offer this to my daughters. I want them to pursue their passions; I want them to…
Democracy in the Classroom

By Ms. Gretchen Today in elementary we revisited an issue that the children voiced at the end of the year last year. We made up our list of rules to help keep peace in the classroom and they were quite general, but today we talked about the rule we have had about not wearing hats inside…